Thursday, 2 February 2012

How Much is That Doggy in the Window?

Without wishing to cause offence to anyone, let us simply say that Trevor is not a name we should choose. But Trevor, who entered our lives as recently as early this week, arrived ready named and we should, indeed, most likely be thought more than a little heartless, callous even, to impose an alternative after some seventy or more years.

Trevor, whose wistful expression captured our hearts [click to enlarge images]

So, Trevor it is. And Trevor it will remain. Some will recall that in the late spring of last year we wrote of our joy and delight [not without reason should we be thought of as Peter Pan and Wendy] at the acquisition of a dolls' house. Hove Villa, as it has become, is particularly special as, manufactured in 1910, it is a product of Lines Brothers, later renamed Triang, of which the grandson of the founding brothers, Jeremy, remains a friend and with whom, together with his Belgian born wife, Claire, we shall lunch next Tuesday.

looking into the kitchen of Hove Villa which dates from 1910

Which brings us back to Trevor or, if familiarity is to be the order of the day, Trev. Although, on reflection, that is just a little too vulgar. For Trevor is also a product of Lines Brothers, or more accurately their subsidiary 'International Model Aircraft Limited, and dates from the years prior to the Second World War.

the underside of Trevor with original label dating from the 1930s

So imagine the excitement we felt [remember, we are inhabitants of Never Never Land] when reading one of Vintage Jane's as always charming posts to be swept away by the sight of Trevor, beady-eyed and lovingly worn, staring at us across the blogosphere.

Trevor pictured with one eye cast in a seaward direction

And so, for now, Trevor is happily re-homed keeping, or so we trust, a weather eye on sea and shore. Such foolish things!


  1. I am in love, he is gorgeous. Diane

  2. Trevor is such a handsome chap I am so glad he has found a good home, frequent walks by the sea will keep his little legs toned, but be careful he looks the sort that would like to frolick in muddy puddles. I am sure he will make an excellent watchdog too.

    As for your wonderful dolls house I wouldn't mind doing an 'Alice in Wonderland' trick and shrinking to be able to use the kitchen, it looks lovely.

  3. I'll have to start exploring your archives--that doll's house is wonderful, and those miniature muffin tins (at least that's what we call them in America) are too much.

    Trevor is certainly wistful and adorable. He reminds me of the old toys that Jan Svankmajer, whom I have mentioned before, is so adept at animating.

    --Road to Parnassus

  4. How funny life is sometimes.
    I was just thinking of you, reading about the super cold weather attacking Europe right now and was wondering were your were.
    I clicked on my google reader and there you where.
    I love Trevor and I think the name fits him !

    cheers, parsnip

  5. I am simply smiling from ear to ear!!!! Welcome, Trevor!!! So happy to meet you!

  6. Food, Fun and Life in the Charente:
    It was love at first sight for us too!!

  7. Oh, oh, sweet Trevor!
    What fun and fabulous find! I am glad you could bring him home.
    I remembered a photo of my mother as a young child, holding on to a doggy walker not unlike yours. The terrier must have been something of a fashionable dog in the 30's. It's also in many of the children's book of the era!
    Darlings, just like you I would have not hesitated to give Trevor a home, given the chance!

    Happy happy weekend!

  8. How very charming a post, and the new gentleman to share your home. And so many wonderful things all in one go---a new friend and the anticipation of lunch with old friends and that perfect little kitchen---what is it about tiny replicas of everyday things that captivates us so?

    Your stove has a 1940's cousin in my own kitchen---a big ole black Franklin with six burners and pretty red earbobs on the front. She also has the warming-ledge, but it's too tall for our kitchen ceiling.

    I think its the previous lives of things which make us appreciate them all the more, and one reason our friends refer to our home as "the Goodwill House."

    I'm so happy for your new addition---he seems perfectly at home.

    And I'm always glad to see you drop in at LAWN TEA!


  9. Susan T:
    Trevor looked as if he had been up to quite a lot of mischief when he arrived but a quick wash and brush up made him look as good as new!!

    The Kitchen is our only furnished room at present. Bathroom, Bedroom and Drawing Room to go!!

  10. I think he actually looks like a Trevor, the name suits.
    My daughter had a beagle dog on wheels some 35 years ago made of a spongy rubber. She has never forgotten this dog as whilst charging down the alley between the BASVIC college and playing field, she hit a stone and went clean over the top resulting in a trip to A&E.

    We have made and furnished dolls houses in past years, I must rake out the picture and post them.


  11. Dear Jane & Lance,

    Your post put a smile on my face. What is with adults and the collecting of old children's toys?! I have to admit that I am the proud owner of a collection of little golden books and tin toys :-)

    Trevor looks like a very sweet, though a bit dusty dog, but a great addition to your window sill.

    Happy weekend!


  12. He's probably worth a fortune and doesn't know it!

  13. Parnassus:
    We are so pleased that you like the dolls' house. It is quite difficult hunting down period pieces for the interior but we are having great fun in seeking them out.

    An animated Trevor.....what fun!

  14. He's absolutely lovely and I well see why you had to entice him into your home. I'm sure he'll be spoilt rotten ;-)

  15. angryparsnip:
    We know exactly what you mean. It seems to happen to us quite often that someone comes in to our minds and then lo and behold they telephone or write or call in. We love it when that happens!

  16. Cheryl:
    Yes, we find that Trevor makes us smile too. Happy Days!!

  17. He is lovely. Fast forward thirty years and I had one very similar in the 1960's, fixed to the metal frame. I named him Toby, he wasn't quite as handsome as Trevor, but I loved him so much!

  18. VictoriaArt:
    Yes, you are right, terriers did seem to be very much in evidence in the 1930s. Perhaps that is another reason that we were drawn to Trevor as that is a an era which has a particular appeal for us in architecture especially.

  19. My father's former colleague, Jack (a right character), was in the habit of calling everyone, male or female 'Trev'.
    I am extremely fond of your Trev, and so will my friend be, who collects vintage toys. I must do a blog post about her house one day.
    Lucky Trevor, he has the best seat in the house.

  20. Trevor doesn't look like a Trev, does he? Bet he wouldn't respond to that nickname, it's probably beneath him. Trevor isn't a name I would choose either, as I know a very nice human name Trevor, on the other hand it does have some dignity and only two syllables, important in choosing a dog's name, so it could be worse.

    I think I live in Never Never Land a lot myself; Bill calls it the Internet. I hope you enjoy your new housemate and look forward to seeing your progress in outfitting your doll house!

  21. racheld:
    It is strange how sometimes all these connections come together, we find such things fascinating.

    Your black Franklin with its red 'earbobs' sounds like a Rolls Royce of cookers. We are quite certain that we should be hopeless with it, well, come to think of it, we are hopeless with everything in the kitchen, but you create such marvellous food in it. Perhaps 'Franklin' will star in a blog post one day?

  22. Oh so charming. I'm in love with Trevor too. After 70 years, Trevor actually looks quite chipper.

    I am fond of vintage toys as well. It all makes no rhyme or reason, but then, it doesn't have to. :)

  23. A lovely post. I remember having the 1950's equivalent of Trevor. I wonder where he is now?

  24. crafty cat corner:
    Yes, he does look like a Trevor, you are right!

    We both agreed that we should have loved to have a Trevor or his equivalent as children but what an unfortunate incident your daughter had with hers. Still, as you say, she is bound to remember such a thing for ever.

    Yes, please seek out the dolls house pictures so that we may see!

  25. It could have been worse: it could have been Nigel. He looks more like a Percy to me, but you are right to leave him his name of many years.

    Hove Villa is absolutely exquisite, and perfectly in keeping with Trevor's serene grandeur. The Mad Boy will feel right at home in your wonderful rooms when the glad day comes when you can show him round.

    Do keep yourselves cosy and warm there in the Never Never land.

  26. Trevor also has the advantage of being easy to take out for a walk!

  27. I feel you've got there a friend for ever!
    So nice to read you as always!

  28. Madelief:
    Yes, they really do have a fascination, don't they. Perhaps we are all compensating for what we did not have as children?

    Your tin toy collection sounds most interesting. So far we have resisted but in Budapest, at local markets, old Russian tin toys turn up from time to time and we really love them.

  29. Paul Gervais de Bedée:
    So many of these toys are indeed becoming very collectable these days, as are first edition children's books. But, we could not part with Trevor not even for his weight in gold!!

  30. wow the doll house is absolutely amazing, my boyfriend is a fan, he is very much into trains toy-trains :).

  31. Niall and Antoinette:
    Well, we always believe that pets are there to be spoilt rotten .....and so we shall!!

  32. Tracey@Breathing English Air:
    Oh,your 1960s Toby sounds adorable. Strange how one forgets so much from one's childhood but some things remain!

  33. Lucewoman:
    How very odd to call everyone Trev.....still, it takes all sorts to make a world!!

    Yes, we should be most interested to read about and 'see' around your friend's house and her vintage toy collection.

  34. Dear Jane and Lance,
    I just LOVE your Trevor....just think of the tales he could tell if only he could talk !! There is something so endearing about old toys. It's as if you can 'see' the history in them.
    My sister acquired her dog, a lurcher, from a dog's home and he already had a name and it was ..... CLIVE !! He was the lovliest dog just like Trevor except ( just put your hands over Trevor's ears for a moment !!)....Clive was alive !
    Many, many thanks for your kind birthday are both lovely blogging friends. XXXX

  35. Shelley:
    We have always had cats as pets and so are very new to this dog keeping lark. How fortunate that he has two syllables but we have no idea why that should be significant!!

    Never Never Land we find infinitely amusing and exciting, one really has no idea what shall turn up next or from where in the world it will come!!!

  36. Yvette:
    Yes, dear Yvette, you are so right. How wonderful it is that some things do not have any rhyme or reason, they just are and it is fine!!!

    Yes, we do think that Trevor has worn well. And, you are in love too. Perhaps we need to establish a fan club?!!!

  37. Gaynor B;
    Where do all these things go? Hardly a day goes past without our asking ourselves this very same question!!

  38. Mise:
    No, not Nigel. But we cannot explain the reasons here!!

    We are so pleased to note that you appear to have the matter of our Mad Boy in hand. Sadly, we seem to have come across very few possible contenders of late but surely there is at least one to be found in Ireland?!!

  39. LX:
    Yes, his rubber wheels work perfectly!!!

  40. What a darling toy/dog Trevor is! I guess he is a push toy for a young toddler. My grandson would love him! Pamela

  41. Pet:
    A man's best friend.....we hope that he will be a woman's too!!

  42. unikorna:
    Oh, toy trains, yes, we love them too! We have the idea to set up a railway track on the dining table in Budapest and run trains around it to deliver the salt etc to dinner guests around the table...does this seem odd?!!!

  43. No wonder you couldn't resist! And I agree; renaming him would be heartless or, at least, inappropriate.
    Love the dolls house! My sister and I have one (currently residing in parts and bits in cardboard boxes in my cellar) from the 1970s, when we were kids, with bright orange corduroy settees and other furniture representing the taste of the time.

  44. Jacqueline@HOME:
    What an interesting thought....the tales of Trevor. What fun it would be to hear them. He has clearly been much loved. His head and nose have been rubbed hard over the years!!

    We do love Lurchers, such distinguished looking animals, and a name to match, Clive.Perfect!!

    We are sure that your birthday celebrations are still continuing as they seem to last the best part of a month. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!!

  45. Pamela Gordon:
    Yes, he is quite small and so would be ideal for a tiny tot.....or two slightly taller adults!!! Perhaps you should seek out a similar version for your grandson, we are sure that he would adore one?!!

  46. Trevor is a rare beast with his Made in England label, but why is he attached to a trolley? Easier to take him for a walk? Fortunes of War, the tv programme and I assume the book, had a character who towed around a dog on wheels. The dog was one of those used for collecting money for the blind.

  47. Librarian:
    We agree. Trevor is how he must remain.

    Perhaps you should resurrect the 1970s dolls house? What fun you could have seeking out suitably authentic furnishings for it and reliving those days of hot pants, bell-bottomed trousers and platform shoes!!!

  48. Andrew:
    A rare beast indeed, Andrew, a one-off!!

    Originally we should imagine that Trevor would have been used to help train a small child to walk. The rubber wheels just providing enough friction so that, hopefully, Trevor would have not run away with said small child!

  49. Jane and Lance...What treasures you have found. The doll's house would delight any Peter Pan or Wendy. Trevor is a love. He seems well behaved and seems to be happily attached to he own little cart in case someone would be interested in taking him for a walk. I hope you are having a sunny day. Bonnie

  50. Bonnie:
    Trevor is indeed firmly welded to his frame so taking him for a walk is easy!

    We are allowing him a look out to sea whilst he makes himself at home but shall then have to move him out of the sun lest he fades!!!

  51. OH! Who could resist that sweetly knowing - out of the corner of his eye - look on his face??? Oh, you lucky, lucky ducks, you!

    My mother always had an eye out for magic. We had a beautiful miniature doll's house, in our home, growing up (still do, actually.;)) ...Russian lacquer boxes painted with scenes from fairytales, a piece of Steuben glass - the artwork on our walls - it all was collected by a woman who understood 'foolish', magical things. It made life rich and fascinating and never dull for us because... it's magic! I see that you have the same spirit. =]

    It definitely seems like your new pal will be a charming, Paddington Bear-like, addition to your home and family dynamics. =D


  52. and, Hove Villa is BEAUTIFUL! What wonderful wallpaper and checkered floor and fireplaces and everything. Really, really fun! =D It's just reminded me of the oriental rug that took me three years to sew - tiny, miniature needlepoint. I would work on it in the car on the way to Grandma and Grandpa's house, every holiday - a four hour trip. This has brought back tons of memories.... thank you!=D

  53. You do know don't you Jane and Lance, that here in the Antipodes there's no way we could call that gem anything other than Trev! It is I'm afraid in the Oz DNA...sorry about that! He's so gorgeous I'm sure he wouldn't mind :)

  54. Trevor is so handsome. I love him.
    We are surrounded by stuffed animals here, the latest acquisition: a giant stuffed lion which was a Christmas gift to my young daughter, she named him Aslan of course.
    He sits, massive as he is, at the end of her bed and scares me half to death every single time I walk in the room!

  55. Katy Noelle:
    Trevor certainly melted our hearts!! Those soulful eyes, as you say, we just found totally irresistible!

    He has only been with us a day or two but already feels like a member of the family. Some animals just fit right in!!!

    Your mother sounds to have created an idyllic environment for you as a child. Oh how we should have loved all the things you mention here. A touch of magic, so necessary in this difficult and challenging world we feel!

  56. Oh my. It is late my time so I will have to wait until morning to read the comments, which means they will have doubled! But I think that I am living in the wrong country. I think that I was meant for England and somehow got turned slightly south in the planning.

    This story just gives me so much joy, I can't begin to tell you both.

    Ah yes, after all, "bisous",

  57. Katy Noelle:
    We are delighted that you like Hove Villa,named so as it came from a man in Hove [an area of Brighton]who collects and restores dolls houses.

    We have taken the liberty of sending you a private email as there are so many things that we wish to say to you further to the comments which you have left on our previous posts.

  58. Kerry:
    We are sure that Trev would not mind if you were the one calling him by that name. Fancy, Trevor being Made in England and yet with Australian DNA.....a dog ahead of his times in our view!!!!

  59. Ah, what tales Trevor could tell. I do believe we had one of these in the family. I loved it. Also, my school sweetheart's name was Trevor. What blissful memories have come flooding back to me. Ahhhh, Trevor, where are you now?
    Much love.

  60. DaniBP:
    We shall include you in Trevor's Fan Club!

    Aslan sounds wonderful. We can well imagine the squeal of excitement that your daughter must have let out on Christmas Day when she caught sight of him!

  61. Oh, wonderful! How lovely to have both Hove Villa AND Trevor! It's funny how you never hear that name any more. When I was a child it always used to make me think of Trebor Refreshers (and that is surely the most useless bit of information you've heard this week!)

  62. Lost in Provence:
    Trevor is joining us in wishing you sweet dreams, dearest Heather!

    No, we are sure that you are far more suited to the sunny south than the chilly English Channel. And, Trevor too is dreaming of those fields of Provencal lavender and Ben, of course!!

  63. YONKS:
    Gosh, Dianne, fancy you having a schoolgirl crush on a boy named Trevor and after all these years you still remember him!!

    And now, we too wonder what became of Trevor.....

  64. Oh, how gorgeous, Jane and Lance! We never had a Trevor, but one of my sisters had a very small horse on wheels she pushed around happily as a toddler. Sadly long gone....

    I love the kitchen equipment that now graces your dolls house kitchen, especially the miniature scales. :-)

  65. Jenny Woolf:
    No, you are right, where have all the Trevors gone?!!!! Long time passing.......

    Do they still make Trebor refreshers? They were rather nasty things which fizzed in the mouth as we remember, rather like Epsom Salts!!!

  66. Oh Jane and Lance - without such foolish, whimsical things our lives would be bereft of joy and pleasure. /hanging my head in 'somewhat' shame/...I like the name Trevor but not Trev.
    BTW, How Much Is That Doggie In The Window as sung by Pattie Page was the Number One USA song in 1953. How do I know?
    Now, talk about foolish things!...

  67. When my sister and her (now late) husband moved house, their elderly neighbour introduced himself as 'Trev.' They always found that a little informal, so called him Trevor and were discomfited when, some years later, he died and they found his name was actually Trevelyan.

    I love your Trevor, he's just brilliant. Did you add the Mad Hatteresque 2/6, or was he already wearing it?

    (I know that the Mad Hatter's label was 10/6, btw, to save corrections flooding in!)

  68. Perpetua:
    How strange that you should mention a small horse on wheels as when we were looking up references for the International Model Aircraft Company, they did make such a toy. Perhaps your sister's toy was the very same make? So sad that you no longer have it.

    There is a wonderful 'Dolls House Emporium' in Steyning where we go to find things for Hove Villa. It becomes a marvellous day trip as there is so much to see in the shop. There are even miniature television sets, which work!!!

  69. Thistle Cove Farm:
    Well, we absolutely agree with you, dearest Sandra, about foolish things. The only problem is that we have a difficult time trying to do anything sensible at all!!

    How clever of you to have known about Pattie Page and was it really so many years ago? Time flies, and now we cannot stop singing that tune!!!!

  70. Z:
    How we have laughed about the story of Trevelyan! Now that would be a most distinguished name for our push along pet. But, no, Trevor it must be!!!

    Trevor came wearing his price ticket and his beautiful striped neck tie. In addition, he was lovingly cocooned in bubble wrap, encased in cardboard and came with a personalised gift card with a map of Hungary and several Hungarian stamps. It was like Christmas all over again!!!

  71. The dolls' house is delightful....but Trevor is irresistible.
    Those ears and the stick up stump of a tail.

  72. Hello Jane and Lance, now you won't be looking at the view you will be too busy gazing at Trevor. At least there won't be any of that pooper scooper business. He is absolutely adorable, and I think he suits being Trevor, I love his natty blue ribbon. How's the interior of Hove Villa coming along by the way?

    Have a marvellous time this weekend, love Linda x

  73. I do so understand that you cannot rename this charming beast, but Trevor! Trevor!

    Perhaps his handsome blue collar and jauntily raised terrier tail make up for this deficiency in elegance; please, do not become overly familiar: 'Trev' I consider an abomination.

    Were you to have occasion to call him on Brighton beach, the poor chap would never live it down.

  74. Hello it's me again! I had left a comment on your last post but it doesn't appear so I'll do it again. Just to say thankyou so much for your sweet words on yesterday's post. I am so glad you enjoyed todays little nature ramble. So I'll say goodnight to you and the handsome Trevor, I hope he has a little blanket as it's rather chilly! I've just friend's husband is called Trevor, but he's such a sweetie, we call him 'Treasure!' Night, night! xxxxx

  75. the fly in the web:
    Yes, we know what you mean. Somehow Trevor just seems so vulnerable and needy.......bless his cotton ribbon!!!

  76. I recognised him immediately - lucky you, what a treat!!

  77. flowers on my table:
    Yes, dear Linda, we are spared the pooper scooping, we are not entirely sure how we should cope with that. However, having said that, we only recently volunteered to 'dog mind' a pet of friends whilst they travel abroad. His name is Mungo, now that is what we call a proper name!!

    Hove Villa is only coming along slowly. Partly because we cannot always agree about what we should get, partly because we are fussy about period details and partly because all these miniature things cost the National Debt to buy!!!!

    Have a lovely weekend!!!

  78. Friko:
    We do think that if we were to call Trevor on Brighton beach then WE should never live it down, never mind Trev!!!

    We are thrilled that you think that Trevor cuts a dash in his stripey tie. He does seem rather pleased with himself, doesn't he?!!!

  79. Trevor is the perfect name for such a dapper and refined chap, and what a pedigree he has. The Finderley-Potts no less and their prized Dahlias. I would think that you could not do better than that.
    Will he be accompanying you to Hungary?

  80. flowers on my table [again]:
    Dear Linda, this is the latest aberration from Blogger.....after 200 comments the rest are not visible unless one goes in again with another comment and then they miraculously appear. We have received and answered the comment which you left and it is so disheartening that one cannot see them without going on a very circuitous route.

    We shall be wrapping Trevor up in a warm blanket as it is absolutely freezing here. Indeed, we might slip him under the duvet with us as we should not wish him to get a chill!!

  81. magic and drudgery:
    Trevor has indeed travelled first class all the way up the South Coast!!

  82. Rosemary:
    Trevor does have the most impeccable manners, he has clearly been brought up well!

    More than likely he will travel with us to Budapest so a pet passport will be needed!

  83. Jane and Lance, your little canine friend looks so adorable! He has such a kindly look on his sweet face - I have fallen head over paws for him! I think Hove Villa is a wonderful addition to your property portfolio, what fun you'll have doing up the rest of the rooms!

  84. He looks more like a Sebastian Fortescue-Symthe (not Smith) than a Trevor. Is Trevor a Sealyham? There was a Trevor in our class at school, he was a big fat ginger lad with gimlet eyes, like the pig out of Amityville Horror. He would eat his Trebor Refreshers whilst sat on the toilet, so he didn't have to offer them around to anyone.

    I have a 2002 Harrod's Teddy Bear. I call him Dick.

  85. When my children were young, we explained to them that we selected names for them that we, the parents, loved. If at 18 they wanted to use other first names, we would not be insulted.

    One son loved his first name and kept it. The other son registered at uni with his middle name only and dropped his first name altogether.

    I recommend you do that with Trevor. Listen carefully and it will become clear to you what to call him eg Tristan, Jean Baptiste, Laszlo.

  86. Sulky Kitten:
    We love that phrase 'head over paws' and are thrilled that you feel the same way as we do about our dear Trevor!

    Hove Villa is the first and, we have decided, last of our miniature property portfolio. It can all be rather addictive and nearly as expensive as decorating a real house!!

  87. Mitzi:
    It pleases us more than you will ever know to think that you feel that our dear Trevor could possibly be Sebastian Fortescue Smythe. And, a Sealyham? We do hope that Trevor does not have that particular debilitating we should imagine!!!

    Your school chum Trevor does not sound like the sort of person whom we should have been allowed to mix with. And, as for his Trebor Refreshers.....well, we always found them horrid!!

    We felt that we might have been able to guess the name of your Teddy Bear...and we were right!!!

  88. I'm so glad that you stayed with his name... There is nothing worse than a pooch with an identity crisis, particularly after being a "Trevor" for so long!
    The dolls house is delightful... simpler needs for simpler times...

  89. Hels:
    That seems a very sensible arrangement concerning the names for your children. Would that all parents gave their offspring these choices.....Beckhams take note!

    When we lived in Weobley in Herefordshire the local hardware store was called after its owner, a Mr Edge. His Christian name was Cliff.....what can his parents have been thinking of?

  90. Princess:
    Oh dear, an identity crisis. We had not even considered such a thing. No, Trevor it must be. Solid, dependable, one cannot go wrong with Trevor!

    The dolls house is in desperate need of curtains and a whole range of soft furnishings. If you have a moment, do you think you could oblige?!!!

  91. I left a comment earlier but I think Blogger hiccuped and it disappeared. Forgive me if I'm doubling up.

    Trevor is so sweet and whimsical--infused with character. And I adore Hove Villa's kitchen--all the wonderful period details. The connections between you, Jane, the toys, and the toy maker's family make me smile.

  92. Trevor is a very aristocratic and British name and suits him well, I think. . Since he doesn't look like he would come to you when you call, I am sure you would get the same reaction from him if you called him Waldo ( my favorite dog's name). He is a handsome fellow, and he would definitely be the most quiet pet you could have. Enjoy,

  93. Not the least bit foolish. I should very much like to know what you would christen Trevor had he come to you nameless.

    I especially admire that photo of the dollhouse kitchen. So very delicate and lovely.



  94. The name Trevor immediately reminds me of a pet budgie I had when i was 10!

    Now speaking of your Trevor I am incredibly excited as There is a dog very similar in a colleague's office at work! Tomorrow first thing I going going to hunt him out!

  95. Dear Jane and Lance - I believe your Trevor is an Airedale. That breed was very popular in the United States right around WWI.

  96. Well, no question, since you had that wonderful doll house, you HAD to have Trevor. And yes, you may not rename him, for he has an illustrious heritage, of which his name is part and parcel!

  97. I seem to be having tremendous problems posting comments, so forgive if you ultimately see 2 from me.

    Well, yes, you HAD to have Trevor, all of apiece with that glorious doll house. And the name must stay, mustn't it, for it is part and parcel of Trevor's glorious historical pedigree.

  98. Greetings,
    Yes, tis I, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star! I simply had to take over my human's keyboard and reply to this 'pawsting', sorry humans, I should of typed, posting.
    Hey Trevor, if you can hear me, lucky you, you are now amongst the growing legion of my adoring fans.
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star xx

  99. Ah, not such a bad name.
    Actually quite a dashing one.
    Quite a handsome fellow!

  100. He is, without doubt, a handsome hound.


  101. Jen:
    Although Trevor cannot communicate apart from through his puppy dog eyes, we really do think that he is quite a character.

    We love connections between people, places and times past and do find them endlessly fascinating.

  102. Starting Over, Accepting Changes:
    Trevor is indeed the most quiet and well behaved pet we have ever had!! We are delighted that you see him as an aristocrat.....something to do with the rigid stance, perhaps?!!!

    Waldo is a very illustrious name for a dog......did you ever have one called this?

  103. Suze:
    Well, to be honest, we are really rather glad that Trevor came to us named since we are sure that, left to our own devices, he would have been called something utterly preposterous!

    We are so pleased that you like the dolls house kitchen. We spend more time looking in to this kitchen than any other that is for certain!!

  104. David Toms:
    Trevor does seem a very appropriate name for a budgie!

    Is the Trevor look alike in your colleague's office alive? What fun it would have been, we think, to have wheeled Trevor into work in our days of employment. Surely he would have brightened up everyone's working week?!!

  105. Mark D. Ruffner:
    An that does sound to be a pedigree breed. Thank you so much for identifying Trevor's lineage for us!

  106. Susan Scheid:
    Yes, you are right. Somehow Trevor and the dolls house are one of a piece and do belong together.

    At one point, Lines Brothers/ Triang were the largest toy manufacturers in the world, so there are still many, many more possibilities to add to the collection!!

  107. klahanie:
    We are thrilled that Trevor has a new friend of his own in the Blogosphere, dear Penny!

    It would be very handy if you could teach Trevor a few typing/computer skills as his owners find it difficult sometimes to keep up!!!

  108. Pamela Terry and Edward:
    That is a great compliment from you, dear Pamela, as Edward himself is such a very distinguished and adorable young man!

  109. SP:
    All this flattery.....we do so hope that it will not go to Trevor's head!!

  110. Thank you dear Hattatt's for giving Trevor (named by little man I might add) such a wonderful home. I would be quite happy to sit in that lovely spot myself all day!
    Hove Villa is wonderful ... despite the fact that Grandpa makes all those amazing little miniature pieces I never had a dolls house as a child, but I am now allowed to 'play' with little man's boot house occasionally. M x

  111. Vintage Jane:
    It was love at first sight when we saw Trevor on your blog and he did not disappoint in the flesh.....or fur!

    How extraordinary that with your being surrounded by all those miniature marvels you did not have a dolls house. Still, having access to little man's toys is marvellous!

    Thank you so much for sending Trevor so beautifully packed and so promptly.

  112. Aha! Trevor (I agree: Not an auspicious name but affection pardons such misfortune of naming) was immediately recognisable when I saw his picture. I remember from my childhood days that such walkers were quite ubiquitous in houses with young children. They were always Ayredale terriers it seems to me, though this may be a trick of selective memory.
    Mrs E apparently had one and aged three when asked its name replied "Thunderbirds!" (I suspect that was what her brothers had been waching on television moments before, but the name stuck). Hence every ayrdale is still referred to as "a Thunderbirds" in our household. The original Thunderbirds eventually fell of his wheels and was discovered to have feet of straw, which I think is really rather endearing.

  113. Trevor has found a good home! I hope you have a lovely time with your friends at Tuesday's luncheon. Cheers, Marjorie

  114. PerlNumquist:
    Yes, we seem to think that all these 'dog strollers' featured Airedale terriers and there was a small horse version made by this particular company too.

    According to his label, Trevor is stuffed with wood wool whatever that may be and his coat is 50% Mohair and 50% Cotton, although patches have been lovingly rubbed away over the years!

    We enjoyed the story of 'Thunderbirds' but are sad that he came to such a sticky end. We seem to recall a Lady Penelope being part of the original Thunderbirds crew and so it is interesting that Mrs E did not choose that for a name. Somehow, they have to be male these stuffed dogs,don't they?!!!

  115. Chemin des Muguets:
    We are sure to have a wonderful time on Tuesday as our friends are such generous and amusing hosts.

    We like to think that after so many years of loyal service, Trevor is now enjoying a well earned retirement by the sea!

  116. Trevor must surely be related to my dogs - Jem and Bosun.
    When Bosun was clipped people would come up to us and say that they had had a dog like Bosun - only theirs was on wheels. Now you have Trevor - surely a relative!!

  117. Oh Trevor is just the cutest thing.How adorable.He looks awesome in the window as well.Isnt it funny when we love something how much more we do cherish it when we bring it into our home .Enjoy him!

    Have a most enjoyable weekend too, both of you.Blessings!

  118. That doll house is absolutely amazing!

  119. Harriet:
    Oh what joy to find Trevor's living relatives! We shall break it to him gently so that he does not become over excited!

    Jem and Bosun sound a mischievous pair and so handsome. Perhaps a family get together is in order one day?!

  120. Becky:
    We are thrilled that you like Trevor too. We are certain that he enjoys being in the window but feel that he may have to be moved away before he fades or is sunburnt!!

  121. La Sombra Sofisticada:
    We are so pleased that you like the dolls house. Does your daughter have one?

  122. Trevor looks mighty dignified.
    I'm drooling over the doll house.

  123. Ahh Trevor is lovely ;-) What a lovely addition to your home. Nothing beats old toys and the lovely history that is attched to them. Your dolls house looks beautiful to. Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog. Have a lovely weekend and enjoy Trevor. dee x

  124. Green Girl in Wisconsin:
    Yes, Trevor does have a dignified air about him, together with a mischievous glint in the eye!!

  125. Delia Hornbook:
    Well, we did think that you would approve of Trevor, Dee, with your love of all things vintage. We are thrilled with him and can only imagine what escapades he has got up to in the past!

    Take care of yourself in this bitterly cold weather and we do so hope that your son is showing signs of improvement.

  126. Trevor is so handsome with charming eyes, long limbs, and small waist. You’re so young at heart, Jane and Lance, have fun with Trevor, and walk him outdoor sometimes not just letting him overlook the sea by that window (which I love). I’m in love with that vintage doll’s house which I think is not for children but for adults. I have 25-year-old Sylvanian Families which I bought for my daughter and now I’d like my granddaughter to play with them.


  127. Trevor is a beauty - but do keep in eye on him. It's the quiet ones who cause all the trouble!

  128. Stardust:
    We are pleased that you regard us as 'young at heart' rather than 'foolish', dear Yoko! Sometimes we really do think that we shall never grow up.

    Although both Trevor and the dolls house were originally intended as children's toys, we doubt that they should pass the health and safety requirements needed for toys these days. The house has actual glass in the windows and Trevor has a steel frame which would not provide a soft fall for a toddler.However, we should feel safe enough trundling him along Brighton beach.......that is if we can bear all the stares!!!

  129. Raybeard:
    Are you speaking from experience here, Ray?!!

    We suspect that Trevor's mischievous glint in the eye means that he has a story or two to tell!!!

  130. Dear Jane and Lance
    I saw dear Trevor on Vintage Jane's blog and was a little bit smitten with him then. I am absolutely delighted that he has gone to live with you both. Please remember to keep him away from the beach as those tyres are sure to get stuck in the sand!
    Hove Villa is so charming, I love the attention to detail in doll's houses, especially when they come from the Victorian and Edwardian period.
    I hope you have an enjoyable lunch with your friends Claire and Jeremy on Tuesday.... and don't forget a doggy bag for Trevor!
    Abby xx

  131. The thing I like about Trevor is that there's no need for a poop scoop when you go out - come to think of it, he probably doesn't trouble much for a walk! I guess he could double as Zimmer too though you'd have to be pretty small.

  132. OH HE IS SO CUTE!!!
    Don't think for a minute I wouldn't host him in my home!
    Wheel him here as soon as possible!

  133. My Spotty Pony:
    Yes, dear Abby, we loved him as soon as we saw him on Vintage Jane's blog and we are absolutely thrilled that he is now home with us.

    As well as making a dog on wheels, the same company made a small horse on wheels, now that we think would just be perfect for you and a friend for Spotty!

    Claire is a marvellous cook and always caters for an army so yes, your idea of a doggy bag is perfect!

  134. Mark:
    The thought of Trevor as a Zimmer really made us laugh although we are not sure if our tears were in sorrow or gladness.Then we got to thinking that Trevor could be fitted with a motor and double up as a scooter!!

    Yes, no pooping or scooping......but he could be scooting along the pavement once his battery was charged!!

  135. Auntie Bliss:
    No, you may not steal him!!! We shall not tell him of your home cooking skills lest he leaves home!!!

  136. Ah, he's lovely. His nose and mouth have the same kind of stitching as my old teddy bear. The older stuffed animals have an authenticity that the newer ones don't.

  137. ChrisJ:
    You are so right about the stitching. In Trevor's case it definitely gives him a cheeky grin!

  138. How I should love to come and play at your house! (And stay for tea too.) Axx

  139. How handsome Trevor looks . I think i see a slight smile on his face. Yes, he is saying.. "I feel right at home home."
    I had a horse that i used to push around. Its on one of the family photos somewhere.
    He won't want to be alone.. you will have to whisper, when you are going to Hungary.. Make sure the dog sitter is kind.

    There is a wonderful Antique shop specializing in items for dolls houses , in Luzern.. I love to browse around it when visiting there. You would love it.

    Best wishes to Trevor.


  140. Trevor is just the handsomest chap, and (though I whisper this for fear of causing offence here at home) in far better nick than my recently liberated from a loft, toy dog on wheels, Bonzo, a long lost childhood friend. (Yes dogs more or less animated have been returning in droves chez knitsofacto.)

  141. That isn't Trevor, his name is Jock. He used to have a tartan ribbon round his neck and he strayed from home about 50 years ago. I'm glad to see he still has a wag in his tail.

  142. Annie:
    And, what mischief we could all get up to.....the kettle's on!!!

  143. val's alentejo blogspot:
    We think that Trevor looks the adventurous type so he will be making his way to Budapest for the spring. Just a pet passport to be sorted and away he will go!!!

    Yes, we like the sound of the antique toy shop very much. Next week we shall make a trip to the wonderful Dolls House Emporium in Steyning, we shall make a day of it and take a picnic!!

    Trevor sends his love...!!

  144. Annie:
    Oh we are so pleased that Bonzo has been released from imprisonment in the attic!! How lucky you were to have him to play with as a child. We never had a toy like Trevor so we are having to compensate for that right now!!!

  145. Lucille:
    Well, we certainly agree that Trevor/Jock has worn well over the years....50 years later and he still can do wheelies!!

  146. Trevor is sweet. What a wonderful addition. I love that kitchen set, too.

  147. Old toys creep me out. There I said it. Old toys and wicker. My children could keep me from ever crossing into their rooms by placing an old toy or piece of wicker at the threshold.
    So I am ever so happy Trevor found a home with you because he is so precious (in appearance and at a distance through the magic of the internet) that I'd hate to think of him looking out a window longing for a home... with you. Far away from me.

  148. What an absolutely wonderful treasure and so so adorable! xo

  149. Trevor is adorable. Hope he stays well away from the sun though!

  150. I am getting older, Jane and Lance, and without my little Zara, I may well be staring, dogless, out of a window myself. Trevor's the most beautiful doggy. Surely the two of you would do well to promenade, with considerable attitude, with him? Apart from the fact he seems to have some problems with his mobility, I am sure he'll run ahead of you on the beaches of Brighton. Throw your hats into the air!

  151. Now Trevor is the kind of dog to have he doesn't eat much, doesn't chew on the furniture and he doesn't shed. Ha. And that doll house, I have thought about making a doll house our of ceramic and your post has reminded me of that. Some of these children's toys which aren't seen nowadays bring such good memories and some I think should again be made in present day. Sadly everything seems so disposable now but isn't it wonderful these items from so long ago are still around for us to enjoy now.

  152. Hello Jane and Lance
    What a treasure Trevor is. I can fully understand it being love at first site. (I missed Jane's post on this. I love her blog) He is so tactile and those eyes. How lovely to know his lineage and your exciting upcoming lunch with Jeremy and Claire. There will be so much to talk about. Don't forget to ask for a "doggy bag" from the restuarant (I know not an English custom, but but)or better still wheel in Trevor in all his glory.
    If Trevor was used to teach a child to walk can you image how joyful that child must be?
    Wishing you a glorious weekend.

    Helen xx

  153. how utterly adorable....I had a horse exactly like Trevor, when I was a child, called George.....I loved George, I hope Trevor brings you as much joy!!

  154. I love the fact that Trevor comes with his own set of wheels. Next we'll need a picture of the Hattatts taking their dog for a roll through the streets of Brighton.

  155. M Pax:
    Well, we can certainly say that the kitchen in the dolls house is the most fun of any kitchen we know!!

  156. DearHelenHartman:
    Oh dear, we had thought that Trevor could have had a little holiday with you from time to time....with his owners of course! Now, he shall simply have to dream of what might have been from his home in Blighty.

    We agree with you about wicker. We have never felt the same about it after the film the 'Wicker Man' that really is creepy!!!

  157. Claudia Lane:
    We shall include you as an honorary member of the Trevor Fan Club!!

  158. Rose:
    Not much sun at the moment, Rose, but we shall put him in the shade when it does appear in order to preserve his flawless complexion!

  159. Gardener in the Distance:
    Just at the moment, Trevor's mobility seems rather better than ours, but we do like the idea of 'promenading with attitude'. When we can be sure that Trevor will not run away from us, we shall certainly throw our hats and caution to the wind as we stroll proudly down Madeira Drive!!

  160. Linda Starr:
    Oh, we love the idea of your creating a ceramic doll house. Somehow things in miniature do have a fascination, but we could imagine that it would be very fiddly to make.

    Trevor is, as you point out, incredibly undemanding as a pet. And yes, it is so lovely thinking of all the happiness that he has brought to so many children over the years and still provides joy today!

  161. Helen Tilston:
    Yes, we are very much looking forward to catching up with our friends and to regale them with news of Trevor. Claire is a marvellous cook so we are sure that she will provide a tasty titbit or two for us to bring back home to Trevor.

    We know that we should have loved to have a 'Trevor' or similar as children and it is good to think of all the pleasure that our own dear Trevor must have brought to so many toddlers over the years.

  162. Young at Heart:
    How lucky you were to have had George, and fancy remembering his name after all these years! And where oh where is George now?

  163. Mitch Block:
    Very droll, dearest Mitch! Whilst we stroll, Trevor rolls....but a picture of the Hattatts...mmmmm!!

  164. Somehow I suspected you two came from Never Never Land...just like me, and Trevor of course! ;)

    ps. Personally I think Trevor REALLY suits his name, and it's a much better name than his compatriot... that super sleuth, Snowy.

  165. Trevor is quite the charmer!! And I will have to go back and look at the doll house post. My father built my sister one that she still has - once I find it, I will pass on to her as well!! Cheers!

  166. What a dear find and wonderful addition to your lives.
    I will be very interested to see how the furnishing of the doll house progresses. The kitchen is delightful! Those tiny muffin tins are great.

  167. In Oz, the stereotypical 'Trev' would be a bloke, getting about in shorts, T-shirt and, in the English vernacular, flip-flops - black of course. 'Trevor'might well be the effete, the pale, pasty, bookish sort... hardly the rugged outback male or man at the barbeque along with Bruce and Wayne. ( Forgive me all those with these names).

    I so love 'Trevor' the dog on wheels. He clearly had an earlier career as a model - for all those picture book stories of life in the nursery with Nanny. Perhaps now another chapter will begin for him as he accompanies you on your world travels.

    Thankyou for your comments on my last post.

  168. Trevor is a such a dear doll! So to speak! LOL I love how ruffled he looks! What a beauty! Your doll house is gorgeous of course! :)


  169. How sad I was to read of your recent bereavement and health issues. I do hope that your health continues to improve.
    I think that Trevor is a beautiful addition to your family. The name suits him too.

  170. Half-heard in the Stillness:
    We have to admit to rather liking Never Never Land and are delighted to know that you enjoy it there too!!

    The name 'Trevor' is certainly growing on us now and it does seem to suit him. Strange that you should mention 'Snowy' as once upon a time we owned a white poodle who, of course, just happened to be called....

  171. quintessence:
    Yes, we think that Trevor has a charming way with him....with a touch of mischief too!!

    How lucky for your sister to have a dolls house built for her and what, we wonder, did you have instead?

  172. Jill:
    Yes, we really could not bear to part with Trevor already!

    It is such fun collecting things for the dolls house and there is a marvellous 'Emporium' in Steyning that we go to on a buying spree every so often.Next to be furnished is the drawing room!!

  173. Christine:
    From what you say, and we hold you now as an authority on Australian names, 'Trev' would not be appropriate for our dear Trevor. As for Wayne or Bruce......!!!!

    You are so right about the illustrated children's books, particularly of the 1930s, 40s, and 50s which all seemed to have a Trevor in the nursery!! Well, he certainly deserves his retirement now!!

  174. Kasia:
    We are so pleased that you like Trevor too. Yes, his coat is wonderfully tactile and there is much evidence of his having been lovingly rubbed over the years with tiny 'bald' patches!!!

  175. Lynne:
    Thank you so much for your kind words. They are very much appreciated.

    We are so pleased that you like Trevor. Not quite the wonderful companion that yours, a real life dog,can be but, nevertheless, he brings a smile to our faces every time we look in his direction!!

  176. Love comes in unexpected places. Well, what do you kow, i have fallen in love with Trevor on your blog.
    Thank you for inteoducing us Jane and Lance. You have an immpecable style and good taste.


  177. Hello! I also hope that Your health continues to improve!
    He is beautiful...

  178. Boye by Red:
    Yes, we know the feeling. Our eyes met his across the computer screen and that was it, we were smitten!!!

    Hoping that your working week goes well and that you are keeping warm in this bitter weather.

  179. Amin:
    Thank you so much for your kind comment. Yes, progress is good and we are so pleased that you like Trevor too!!

  180. I´m sure I've left a comment here some days ago... : (

    well, I just have to say you've got a real good find!
    I'm a passionate fun of the antiques roadshow AND burgain hunt on BBC, so this is my kind of thing ; )

    Thanks for always being so kind to me through my blog...
    Enjoy the bright new week : )

  181. I actually love the name Trevor. Brings back memories of great old movies :)
    Wishing you two and Trevor , a good week and a very Healthy year, besitos, C

  182. Demie:
    What fun that you watch the 'Antiques Roadshow' on the BBC. It is so fascinating what people seem to have lurking in their attics!

    We are delighted with Trevor and we are pleased that you like him too.

  183. Notes from Abroad:
    Yes, he is rather reminiscent of some old film stars!!!

    Thank you so much for your kind comment. We hope that you are keeping well.

  184. He is just so adorable! I love that he is on wheels too!
    I think he has bound the perfect home. He would probably like a stroll down that pier. I know I would! Gloomy or no, that looks fun.

  185. Congratulations, dear Peter and Wendy,on your new adoption!! :))
    He is sweet and charming, and actually the name is quite of my best friends has a beautiful little boy named Trevor.
    I adore dollhouses, and I would love for you to share more images of yours!
    Wonderful post! (He has the best view in the house)...
    Stay warm and well, dear friends!
    - Irina

  186. Silly me, just clicked on the post about the doll house! Beautiful...

  187. Ah... I can see why he stole your hearts! Welcome to the Hattat family Trevor! He has brought back such memories for me as a very young child, after surviving what was experimental, but life-saving heart surgery, my convalescence neccesitated a walking aide and Bobby the dog, of similar design to Trevor became a constant loyal companion!
    x KL

  188. My dear Jane and Lance, Trevor is devastatingly handsome!! I've fallen in love with the view from your window by the way!! I don't know if I will get any work done if I sit on that window. I'll be looking out of the window and daydreaming.

    Trevor is so very lucky to share a house with two very cultured and genteel owners and I adore that doll house kitchen with range cooker and an old Belfast sink! It is very YOU!! I like the details. As the saying go, "if you want to do it, do it properly". And you do it properly.

    As you know, I love dolls and toys from yesteryears such as Jack in the box and teddybears...anything that has been crafted by hand. Sadly, There aren't many Trevors in today's world. He is one of a kind. Traditional toy making is a lost art since children these days are more interested in playing with computer games and mobile phones. I believe that they are born with the innate ability to understand these gadgets without reading the manual instructions.

  189. Oh, Does Trevor have a sibling that needs a home J&L? Precious, Precious!! I hope walks along the sea will not harm his fur. Since you live in Never Never land . . . I assume that you certainly will take him along as you stroll through Brighton. Now, if anyone still holds images of you as spies . . . seeing you with Trevor might surely blow them over! Trevor is a wonderful addition to your family and home. Congratulations! Hugs and pats from across the pond. Thanks so for the broad smiles this morning. Carol

  190. He looks like he might have needed rescuing.....a forever home is every dog's dream. I'm sure he will be properly walked and fed and cuddled...(maybe not in that order! ) Treasure is in the eye of the beholder and he is certainly an old treasure. Dog days ahead!......

  191. Trevor is a handsome chap, with a cheeky glint in his eye.
    These may have originally been intended to assist small children with walking, but I've just imagined a range of these easy to care for pets as zimmers for the elderly (a little larger of course). He he.

  192. Good luck housebreaking Trevor;)

  193. Auntie Bliss:
    The wheels certainly mean that taking Trevor for a walk is an easy business. We just have to be careful that he does not run away from us!!!

  194. Palomasea:
    We are warming to the name Trevor and, indeed, now we know that there is someone beautiful called the same name, it makes it even more desirable!

    We are so pleased that you have looked up the dolls house. It is taking us an age to find suitable furniture and furnishings. The period ones seem very tricky to track down. But, it is great fun!

  195. eternalicons:
    Oh, Kerrie Lee, what a heart warming story of your childhood. So frightening to have undergone such surgery at an early age but how wonderful that you had Bobby the Dog to comfort and support you in your recovery!

    Perhaps if Trevor could speak, he might have similar tales to tell? We should like to think so.

  196. A Super Dilettante:
    We are thrilled that you love Trevor too. He is amassing quite a fan club now!

    He will have to be moved from the window in due course as the sun [not that there is much at the moment]really pours through and we should not wish him to fade!!!

    We have found a marvellous place in Steyning, the 'Doll House Emporium', to which we make forays for furniture and fittings for the dolls house. It is tricky getting period pieces and, when we do find them, they can be more expensive than the life-size version!!!

    We totally agree about children intuitively understanding the new technologies. In our teaching days, we would always call upon the children to operate any equipment as, without fail, they always knew how everything worked!!

  197. Carol:
    Well, we had thought of installing a hidden camera in Trevor's nose since, surely, nobody would suspect such a sweet furry animal of any underhand behaviour!!!!!

    At the same time that Trevor was made, a similar toy was also made but was a push along horse. Now, we could just see one of those having a very happy time roaming around the fields at Flower Hill Farm!!!

  198. mermaid gallery:
    Dog days indeed!!!

    Trevor has obviously had plenty of generous patting on the head and stroking of the tummy in his time as he has worn a little thin in those places. But that all just serves to demonstrate for us how much he has been loved. And now, of course, he is being spoilt to pieces!!!

  199. Top Chelsea Girl:
    Yes, Trevor was originally intended for small children as a training toy to aid walking. However, we do feel, like you, that if we raised the pushing bar he would make an excellent zimmer and rather more fun than the usual plain metal versions one sees.Just one problem is that on downhill slopes, Trevor does tend to run away with one.....!!!

  200. Mark Noce:
    Fortunately, Trevor arrived already house trained!!!!


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