Wednesday, 22 April 2015

'Love in Budapest'

Of late we have been doing the round of the Embassies. We are most fortunate to count among our close friends the Ambassador to Hungary of the Republic of Latvia and his wife and, as a result, find ourselves as guests at many of the wonderful concerts and events sponsored by that country.

As recently as last month we were privileged to be asked to attend the Occasion of the 25th. Anniversary of the Day of Restoration of the Independence of Lithuania where a recital, to include works by Bach and Mozart, as well as by contemporary composers such as Dino Saluzzi and Gorka Hermosa, was given by the outstandingly talented accordionist, Martynas Levickis.

Before that we enjoyed the most marvellous evening at the Finnish Embassy and next month we are eagerly anticipating the screening of a new Estonian-Icelandic-Latvian-Lithuanian documentary film.

James Black, Producer/Director, Gulf Atlantic Pictures at the British Embassy

But where, you may well ask, is all of this leading? Well, put simply, only hours ago we found ourselves in the British Embassy for the launch of 'LOVE IN BUDAPEST', a film to be shot entirely on location here in the City.

a flyer to promote the new film 'Love in Budapest' at the British Embassy

the Old Banking Hall of the British Embassy for the launch of 'Love in Budapest'

That in itself is so very exciting. Even more so is the fact that we are both now under contract to appear in this 'non-stop song and dance romantic adventure' in the small part of Miss Dottie, a radio presenter, and the more major role of Robert, the owner of the Dance Theatre, described as 'a much loved haven for talented and aspiring dancers', in which much of the action is set.

Jane Hattatt/Miss Dottie, centre, with Eszter Boyd-Gibbins and Mark Lakatos

Lance Hattatt/Robert, second from left, with Astrida Liegis, Ari Kupsus & Krisztina Kovács

Produced as an Anglo-Hungarian co-operation by Gulf Atlantic Pictures, under the direction of James Black, and to go out to a global audience in 2016 this is, we are confident, a film no-one will wish to miss.

James Black and Marianna Muroczki, Assistant Producer, in the British Embassy

Jane Hattatt in conversation with Richard and Julia Lock in the British Embassy

So for now we are talking 'movies'! Soon 'Speed', 'Rolling', 'Action' and 'Cut' will, we imagine, become part of our everyday world. Until then, lines must be learnt, character developed, lipstick applied and nails painted!!

a flyer for the forthcoming film 'Love in Budapest'

Move over Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt!!

[With the exception of the last, all images in this post are by kind permission of Gyula Sopronyi whose exhibition, 'Floating Aspect', opens in Budapest on the 28th. April 2015]


  1. Wow how exciting. You never know it might make it to the Oscars!!

    1. A little way off that, we suspect. But give us time!!

  2. Wow! wow! wow! Jane and Lance fame at last, woo hoo! That's such stupendous news. We will all be in awe, what am I thinking....we're all in awe anyway, and we're lucky lucky to be able to share in all your adventures.

    "Can I have your autograph please?" ;)))))))

    Big hugs to both you lovely people,
    Jane xx

    1. We think that it is all tremendous fun and are very excited by it all. The launch last night at the British Embassy here in Budapest was a wonderful occasion and, we think, hugely enjoyed by everyone.

      Thank you so much for your very generous support, Jane. xxx

  3. Congratulations, movie stars! I'll boast that I read your blog before you were famous. I'll look for it if/when it comes to the States.

    1. Thank you, Sarah!! Stardom is, in all probability, a little way off but we are having great fun.

  4. Although my immediate family came to Australia from the Ukraine, their parents actually hailed from Lithuania. So I would love to see the new Estonian-Latvian-Lithuanian documentary film that you referred to. I would also like to have attended the recital for Lithuania's Independence Day especially the Bach and Mozart.

    You can hop across borders very easily and cheaply *envious looks*. For me to travel from Australia needs 12 months of planning and booking.

    1. Yes, we think that the new documentary film will be most interesting and with your family background we are sure that you would find it so too. Through the various Embassies here in Budapest we have experienced so much of the cultures of the Baltic States and feel ourselves most privileged.

  5. How exciting, film stars in our midst! You're both looking splendidly glamorous, too. xxx

    1. Thank you so much. Not quite yet film stars.....ever hopeful!! xxx

  6. Hello Jane and Lance, Your readers have long known that the talent you two possess could not indefinitely be hidden under a bushel, and now time has proved us right. The casting seems perfect, and the verisimilitude of your role in creating a haven for aspiring artists most uncanny.

    Many congratulations!

    1. Jim, you are so hugely generous, kind and supportive. Let us hope that the parting of the bushel to allow some light in will not prove folly on our parts.

  7. Dearest Jane and Lance,
    How utterly exciting and wonderful, to be stars in a new film..
    Your roles sound so interesting.
    I cannot wait to see the film.
    Please do let us know when it will be out.
    I know you will both be perfect in your roles as Dottie and Robert.
    lovely news..
    congratulations to you both.

    1. We do so appreciate your enthusiasm, Val, as well as your support. The film is scheduled to be released in December of this year with 'shooting' mainly to take place in June which will follow some rehearsal time in late May. Much to do and much to which to look forward.

  8. PS In my excitement at your new and exciting career in Show Business, I failed to note that you're appearing with an actual 007. You'll be in Six Degrees all over the world. Another treat, and boy does he still have it.


    1. Dearest Rachel,

      Only your P.S. appears to have arrived. Perhaps you wrote more which has disappeared into the ether. And for that we are so sorry. Yes, you are right, George Lazenby of James Bond fame is also in the film!!

  9. That's fantastic news Jane and Lance, will be looking forward to it!!

    1. The first film in a very, very long time in which Budapest will appear as Budapest, Mark and Gaz, rather than Paris, Berlin or Moscow. If the schedules are all met, then it will be released in December of this year.

  10. So little time to be ready. But you may be stepping into roles you have played forever. What fun.
    My daughter, who may be part Hungarian on her father's side, and my son-in-law, who is Lithuanian on his mother's side, both of whom are foreign film enthusiasts, will be in the ticket line if Love comes to the art theater by them.
    There is a strong Lithuanian community in Cleveland; my grandchildren go to Lithuanian camp, where learning the language is part of the curriculum. My grandson is a Lithuanian "boy scout", which is considerably more intense than American scouting. All very interesting. A bit too intense for me.

    1. Our fear is, Joanne, that we may well be being type-cast!!! That aside, it is all great fun and we are meeting the most amazing and interesting people.

      We are most intrigued by your family connections to Hungary and Lithuania. The concert, to which we were invited by the Ambassador to Hungary who is a delightful woman, in recognition of 25 years of Lithuanian Independence was a most moving occasion. All of the Baltic States, and to them we should add Hungary, have such a very tragic history.

  11. Dearest Robert and Miss Dottie,

    This wonderful news to such a deserving couple warms my heart and soul. Talent and class is recognized here. I am giggly with joy thinking of the fun and joy you will experience whilst making Love in Budapest.
    Your cocktail circuit to such spectacular embassies and venues is enviable.
    I am assuming that all those classes you objected to at school in England in Etiquette have prepared you for this venture.

    You book look beautiful and if I may, can I compare you to Joanne Woodward and Paul Newman, not Brad and Angela. Like Paul Newman whose generosity and goodwill linger still; you both bring tremendous joy and encouragement to the blogging world.


    Fondest wishes and I will be saying "And I knew them when"
    Now I will really have dreams of attending the Academy Awards.

    Continued joy

    Helen xx

    1. Oh, Helen, the 'Robert' and 'Miss Dottie' make it all very real and whilst it is all exceedingly exciting, it is also a major commitment and one which we know will take a great deal of time and hard work - but then those are things with which you yourself are all too familiar.

      But, as always, how generous you are about our antics, and so supportive too, both of which we truly appreciate. But it is, as you rightly say, great fun and we are so privileged to meet with wonderful people and to have a life filled with such joy. And, of course, it is so very intriguing to be inside all of these embassies, something which would never happen if we lived in our own country.

      But for us, finally, what is most important in all of this is that we know YOU.

      Love and happiness. J&L, xxx

  12. On the same bill as an ex James Bond no less.

    1. Indeed. And his James Bond in 'On Her Majesty's Secret Service' which was rather criticised at the time is now regarded as one of the best. Interestingly, he turned down the offer to appear in a further six Bond films.

  13. A star, a star, I know a star! I will look for you two when I see the movie. Those embassy events look gala, and the buildings beautiful.

    1. Perhaps 'a star' is going a little too far!! Maybe we have just graduated from the 'wannabe' school!

      The British Embassy in Budapest is in a spectacular building right in the centre of the City.

  14. The original message, betwixt heavy chores----clearing two rooms to make room for the new cabinets to be delivered BEFORE the day of the demolition on Saturday. My mind is absolutely GONE. I DO, however have a child's paradise of PINKS swabbed and smeared and brushed at random spots all over the kitchen walls, to see how the light affects them.
    Oh, My Goodness! I'll know some Movie STARRRS!

    What a lovely post, with all that bright enthusiasm and activity and verve---if there's also singing and dancing, WOW!

    And my very favourite part of the idea is that I'll get to hear your voices at last. Lovely.

    Don't break anything!


    1. You are clearly up to your eyes in work and reorganization and so how very kind of you to take the time not only to comment but to do so again after the first comment evaporated on the afternoon air, as so easily it can do. Thank you. As for your child's paradise, it sounds rather fun to us.

      Not 'stars' as yet, Rachel, and we shall certainly not be doing any singing!!

  15. Jane and Lance,
    I rarely comment, but love to hear of all your adventures. You simply have too much fun!

    1. How really kind of you. And thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment.

  16. I really miss that city, it must be wonderful from what I have heard...
    sooner or later, Budapest will be mine :-)
    greetings from Italy !

    1. Budapest is lovely, but then so is Italy which we should so like to be ours! Happy days!

  17. I didn't know you were film stars as well as everything else! But I have the Wisteria which is now out at Iford Manor...

    1. Jack of all trades, master.........! Pride goes before.....! Oh well, in for a penny, in for a pound. And we hope that that Wisteria was properly pruned in February.

  18. Is Miss Dottie dotty? Either way I am sure you will be perfect for the part. And no doubt some of the hot love scenes will be filmed in a steamy thermal bath and "Robert" might have to take off more than just his panama. Have fun!

    1. Miss Dottie is most certainly type-cast. And as for Robert coming out of the thermal bath, just be sure to book front seats in the Norwich Odeon. Whatever, fun we shall certainly have!

  19. Oh, how wonderfully exciting, Jane and Lance! I look forward with keen anticipation to all the insider news and in due course will be in the queue for signed photographs of two rising stars of the silver screen. I can't wait to see you both in action. :)

    1. We do so appreciate your enthusiasm and encouragement, Perpetua. It is to be hoped that your confidence is not totally misplaced!! Whatever, this is something which is definitely new for us!

  20. Jane and Lance, this is such exciting news! Film stars - about time! And look, there's George Lazenby alongside you. Can't wait to hear all about it, I'm sure it will be a real adventure!
    Jance? Lane? What could be your version of Brangelina?!
    PS. Thank you, thank you for your most delicious comment - I always look forward so much to your generous and articulate responses on my blog. You're lovely! xxx

    1. Oh, Curtise, how really kind and generous of you although 'film stars' cannot be a totally accurate description!! But, we do assure you, it is all tremendous fun and James Black, the Director/Producer, could not be a nicer person with whom to work. And yes, George Lazenby is on board as the ruthless property developer with whom Robert has to deal!

      No thanks are needed at all - we so enjoy your posts.

  21. This is SOOOOOO exciting! I look forward to hearing all the "inside scoop" from you about the filming of this movie. And of course I hope to see it screen here some day in far-flung Edmonton!

    1. Exciting certainly, Debra, and also just a little alarming. But, as 'they' say, it will be all right on the night - or so we hope.

      As for reaching Edmonton. Why on earth not?

  22. Oh drat. . . . . . . . . you ' movie stars' are going to be saddled with we very ordinary people next week - shall we curtsy and bow? Just kidding, I already know you will be wonderful company and make us feel at home. Are there any little bit parts for us - we can act up with the best of them, and we're retired so can always come back when the cameras start to roll, ha ha! I did have a lead part in my Torquay Girls' Grammar School production of Snow White - no I wasn't HER, I was Happy the dwarf because I always smiled apparently!

    Well dear friends I'm certainly smiling now - will be on our way to beautiful Budapest in a few days, and so looking forward to meeting our famous friends!

    Love and hugs - Mary & Bob

    1. As you must surely know, Mary, we are going to have the most wonderful, relaxed time together and what stories we shall have to tell.

      But it is now we who are alarmed at meeting with such a thespian as yourself. Happy in Snow White! We shall seek out the rave reviews and photographs now and will certainly present ourselves on Monday clutching our autograph books.

      Take care and have a safe and pleasant journey. Love, J&L, xxx

  23. Jane and Lance,

    I have always commented that your life reminds me of a novel, at times is seems as if you are from the Victorian Era setting off on a grand tour, other times it is as if have stepped off the pages of Vanity Fair.

    The parties seem both interesting and exciting. And the movie roles...congratulations! This is fabulous and I think you are going to be perfect in these roles, not that I presume to know you. But I feel as if I do from following along on your blog.

    Congratulations and keep us abreast of the adventure, hard work, and more.

    1. You put it so very beautifully, Elizabeth, but possibly it is as you say. No wonder we are a little confused!!!

      Our lives have most certainly been enriched by so many of the concerts and events we have attended through the various embassies here in Budapest. We feel ourselves to be very privileged. As for the film parts, so unexpected and so exciting.

  24. Oh my gosh, how fun! I imagine you two will add a certain flair, and authenticity to the movie. I do love your adventurous life.

    1. Enormous fun and we are much looking forward to it all. But first, the lines must be learnt!!

  25. Congratulations Jane and Lance.... such exciting news to say the least ♡ WOW.... I hope you have lots of fun and lucky us we get to say we knew you when ;-)

    Have a great week and have fun learning lines xox

    1. Thank you so much, Launna. It is all tremendous fun which, doubtless, will become something approaching hard work too. But we are very excited by it all.

      Now, back to that script!!

  26. We will be very pleased to say we knew Jane and Lance before they became famous. We are excited for you.

    1. Not that you knew, Andrew, but rather that you KNOW. For although the miles separate us, we count you and R amongst our friends and are looking forward to the next time you venture to Europe. xxx

  27. How exciting and such great photos to record the event. Have a good day Diane

    1. The next month or so is certainly going to be busy, Dianem but enjoyably so we think.

  28. How exciting. Soon we will all be able to say that we know some famous people. I am sure you will do a wonderful job and, more importantly, have a blast.

    1. We are certain that you already know many people more likely to be famous than the two of us. Do not hold your breath waiting!

  29. Such exciting news Jane and Lance - we shall all be on edge now awaiting the launch of this romantic romp in Budapest. I am sure that you will both have lots of fun too on this new journey.

    1. According to schedules the film will be released in December, Rosemary. Before that there is much work to be done!

  30. OMB, you two are ADORABLE! and movie stars!

    that pix of the british embassy banking hall - splendid architecture there!

    1. Not 'stars' quite yet!! But thank you.

      The British Embassy here is an exceptionally fine building which was, originally, a bank.

  31. How very exciting! I will look out for you when the film is released!

    1. It is all very exciting, Jenny, although a little alarming thinking of seeing ourselves on a cinema screen.

  32. Oh my goodness, this is so perfect! Next will be a documentary about the two of you, I hope.

    1. Now that, Jen, we think to be very unlikely. But what wonderful twists and turns life has.

  33. How exciting! Once your acting career takes off and you become busy being famous, will your assistant personally respond to our messages (posted on your blog)? ;-)

    1. By then, Matthew, we shall have such an enormous staff that all comments will be responded to individually with a positive novel complete with pictures. And then followed up with a 'phone call!

  34. Thrilling news Jane and Lance, congratulations! And, to think we, your loyal readers, all knew you were stars before the movie people signed you up.

    Please keep us all abreast of how everything progresses as you shoot to fame and into the stratosphere.

    1. Thank you so much. It is certainly something a little different and we are very excited.

      Seldom has Budapest actually been filmed for itself, as opposed to Paris, Berlin, Moscow, etc., and so we very much hope that when released the film will put the City firmly on the map.

  35. Dear Jane and Lance,

    Your adventures never end! You have made your life so interesting and exciting.

    Maybe you can get Brad and Angie to play you when your own story is put on film.

    1. We are often very surprised at some of the things which just seem to come into our lives, Arleen, and this new 'career' in film is no exception!

      Now as for Brad and Angie........!!

  36. Congratulations on your newfound profession. I'm sure you'll not only have a lot of fun, but also get a fascinating glimpse into the world of film.

    1. Already, Mark, we are learning so much about the world of film and how films are made. It is all most interesting and, as you may readily imagine, great fun.

  37. Ok I'm onto it, your Australian premiere! Let's have it at the Rivoli, a stunning art deco cinema just up the road, in Melbourne, it's the one Hugh and Nic use all the time Darlings (or do we call you something else these days?) It's not far from Kylie's parents, so let's invite all the Minogue's for a start, think big, think wonderful, think romance with lots of champagne....
    You will come and stay won't you... and whilst you're here you can mention to the Latvian Ambassador, you will be staying in the same bedroom as their tennis player from Riga that we've hosted for the Aussie Open, see all the connections, the world is such a small place!!
    Have fun & I think I'm supposed to say "Break a leg," but after the year you've had, shall we just leave it at 'have fun!'
    Love Wren x

    1. How absolutely splendid all of this sounds and you are so very clearly the person to 'get this show on the road'. We agree, let us think big. And after Melbourne, straight on to Sydney, Canberra and anywhere else you may have in mind and where we can guarantee to pull in a large crowd.

      How fascinating that you have hosted a Latvian tennis player. Who is he as we shall certainly pass this information on to Imants? It is indeed a very small world and we simply love these kinds of connections.

      Fun it will be, we are sure, and probably hard work too. xxx

    2. Wandering Wren is on the money, suggesting a Melbourne premier at the Rivoli. The Rivoli is near Burke Road, a street described by a former and late Labour Prime Minister as the 'longest stretch of bible bashing b**tards in the world'. But the locals are avid movie attendees and people come from far and wide to see a movie at The Rivoli.

    3. Cannot wait to be there!! And may we rely on you, Andrew, to liaise with Wren to ensure that this premiere really rocks the entire country? Indeed,please get working on the publicity NOW!!!!

  38. My prediction is that you two will steal the show. I can't wait to see it!

    1. Your confidence in us, Susan, and your support are so much appreciated.

  39. I have just checked and you are listed there as cast members. The role sounds perfect for Lance.

    1. We have only just discovered the imdb pages, Andrew, which makes it all terrifyingly real!

  40. This is absolutely wonderful! I do hope we here in the US are able to view the film when it comes out!

    1. Thank you so much, Carol. As we understand it the film will be released globally and so there should be no problem in seeing it in the USA.

    2. Terrific - looking forward to seeing it!!!

  41. I remember attending embassy events in Tangier and they were always splendid. I look forward to seeing the should be fun.

    1. Embassy events are most certainly interesting, Adrienne, and to have attended such things in Tangier sounds particularly exotic. All of these things add a richness to life.

  42. It sounds like you're in for a lot of fun!
    Lisa Riley and George Lazenby are the only actors (apart from you two, of course) I have ever heard of, but that's just me - my grasp on British cinema and TV is not really up to much.
    Doing the rounds of such varied events at the embassies of Budapest sounds like something I would greatly enjoy. I can just see myself coming up with a different outfit for each occasion, and then meeting all those interesting people!

    1. It is already proving to be great fun, Meike, and in totally unexpected ways. Lisa Riley is, we understand, well known for playing a part in a British 'soap' whereas George Lazenby is always remembered for his role as James Bond in 'On Her Majesty's Secret Service'. Both, we already know, will be wonderful to work with.

      We much enjoy all the events to which we are invited at the various embassies here in Budapest but do consider ourselves so very privileged to be included on the guest list. We are sure you would love it too.

  43. What great news' on many levels. It's good to know you are both well and are on another fun adventure!!!

    1. You are so right, these things must be looked upon as another of life's adventures. One never knows what is waiting around the next corner.

  44. Oh how marvellous! Although I have to add that the news of your latest adventure only further cements my notions of the two of you as SPOOKS.
    MI5 have trained you well :-)
    I cannot wait to see in this exciting cinematic debut.
    Aside - thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind comment on my last blog post ♥♥♥

    1. Now, we are not entirely certain that to be thought of as SPOOKS is such a good thing!!!!! But what fun it all is, and none of it could possibly have come about without all of those years spent with MI5!!!!

      As for the cinematic debut...........!

  45. Another marvellous adventure, Jane and Lance. This is beyond exciting! 'Love in Budapest' is bound to be a smash hit; you will be Stars, of course. What fun you will be working with George Lazenby, Australia's very own James Bond. I do hope the film makes it to our local Cinema.

    1. Although George Lazenby mostly lives in the United States he is, as you say, Patricia, very much Australian and has not forgotten his roots. It is going to be such fun to work with him when shooting begins in June.

      We are fairly sure that you will be able to see the film when it is released world wide in December.

  46. Oh, you two! Just when I think no one could be having more fun on earth than the two of us, one of your posts appear in my feed and I start grinning from start to finish! This one is superb! Your adventures feed the soul!!

    1. This is most kind of you, Jackie and Joel. But we really do think of you both as living life to the full which is, of course, so very important. How fortunate we all are.

  47. Love in Budapest, I am thoroughly intrigued at just the title, let alone seeing you both in a film, what fun you both are going to have, I know it sounds all too romantic but I am sure there is much work and worry along with it but still what an opportunity for something completely unique. Keep us posted when you can.

    1. It is, we think, Linda, a splendid title for a romantic drama which will be entirely shot in Budapest, a city in which all the action is centred. Of course it will be fun but also, as you rightly say, a great deal of hard work too. Shooting will begin in June before which there are rehearsals to attend. So, busy, busy!

  48. How tremendously exciting, dear Jane and Lance, and what august company you will be in with George Lazenby. I see Jane as a much younger Dame Maggie Smith and Lance halfway along the continuum between Captain Von Trapp and Ben Hur. Dare we hope that they might be singing roles?

    I shall be obsessively buying popcorn between now and 2016, eagerly awaiting the international release. "Ah yes, I know a few of those actors." I'll casually let drop to my friends as they throng in front of your poster. "The good-looking ones."

    1. How very flattering of you, Darling Mise, but let us assure you right now, there will be no singing [and probably not too much in the way of dancing either]!!

      Popcorn aside, this all sounds to be most promising. We are completely open to making a financial deal with you if you can guarantee a substantial pop-up crowd to mob every cinema in Eire from Sligo to Skibbereen carrying 'Love in Budapest' banners and screaming, "We want the Hattatts"!!

  49. It took them a while to find you. No-one could be better placed than yourselves, deliciously glamorous Jane and Lance, to provide the world with a bit of the sense of how things could better be done. You were born to be in the spotlight.

    1. Dearest Faisal,

      You never, never fail but to say the kindest of things and in so doing unknowingly demonstrate your great humanity which we so much admire, love and respect. If only the world were entirely filled with people such as yourself. Our love today as always.

    2. Ha ha ha. I see two little stars ( well, two BIG stars ) twinkling across our world and making it just a little bit more evanescent. You, my friends, deserve, and have deserved, all the love in the world.

    3. And may one day all our lights burn together. Now that will be fun!

  50. Oh, Good Luck!! This sounds tremendously exciting!!
    Sadly, it puts my own production [Love Downwind of the Portaloo] into perspective... not remotely glamorous or exotic.

    1. We rather think that this is a case of "some have greatness thrust upon them"!! But it should all be of enormous interest and great fun.

      Meanwhile, do reserve us front row seats for the opening night of 'Love Downwind of the Portaloo'. Have you considered film rights?

  51. Dear Jane and Lance,

    What fabulous news you've brought us. I am actually a bit surprised, though, that you all have not had any previous film roles. It seems to me that you would be naturals who would catch the eye and ear of anyone assembling a cast.

    What fun you all will have as you embrace this experience. Will you be acquiring an agent? xo

    1. Dearest Frances, it has all come as something of a surprise to us as well. Whilst our own acting is more limited, many of the cast are true professionals [i.e. George Lazenby as James Bond] and will be superb people with whom to work. And James Black, the director, is highly experienced. So........!

  52. How exciting! This is one of the reasons I love visiting here, it seems like you two have a very glamorous and interesting life. There's always something going on. I enjoyed reading about your friend the Ambassador. My grandmother is Latvian. She was born in the US but her parents were born in Latvia. They came from a village that I don't know the exact name of but she always pronounced it to sound something like "dog-off-pills." t's funny to tell you that but that's what it sounded like to me. :)

    1. It seems to us living here in Budapest, Jennifer, that we are often presented with opportunities and experiences which might not be so readily forthcoming if we spent all of our time in England.

      How splendid that your grandmother is Latvian. Imants [the Ambassador] and Ingrida, his wife, are really close friends and the Latvian Embassy here is very lively with much going on all of the time. It all makes for a great deal of interest and fun.

  53. Oh what fun lives you lead, this is very exciting. Happy rehearsing.

    1. Rehearsals start in earnest in the second half of May with filming in June. So busy weeks ahead!

  54. Oh my goodness, how very exciting!
    Miss Dottie? Surely only on account of a spotty dress.

    1. We rather think that Miss Dottie was named before the dress was worn. Or we like to think that that is the case!

  55. Jane - you are looking fabulous in those two photos - your skin is positively glowing - spill the beans on how you do it.
    what wonderful places you go and fun people to meet
    Also that movie George Lazenby and a wonderful cast of characters...

    1. It is going to be so interesting working with George Lazenby. His James Bond was somewhat criticised at the time but is now, years later, regarded as one of the best. He actually turned down offers to play the character in later films.

  56. Wow! how exciting our dear friends will be in movies....well we are already eagerly waiting for the release (we hope it will be shown here in the US of A too).
    Good luck and best wishes.

    1. As far as we understand it, the film will, when released in December, be available globally and so we are confident, and therefore a little alarmed, that our performances will be seen in the United States.

      Thank you so much for the good wishes.

  57. I am not missing this.
    I. am. not. missing. this.

  58. Stars are born!! What exciting news, Jane and Lance! Don't forget about all your blogger buddies when you're touring the world during your press conferences!:))

    How splendid that you are friends with these Ambassadors, allowing you the opportunity to socialize and learn about so many wonderful and interesting cultures!

    Wishing you a lovely weekend!


    1. Thank you so much, Poppy, but let us not become carried away!! As for the press conferences, where is 'Hello' magazine, we ask?

      One of the great joys of living in Budapest is that we experience so many different cultures, all of which are so enriching of life.

  59. Friends in high places that bring benefits and rewards - congrats. Can't wait to see the film - fame at last eh!

    1. In high places or not, it is the friends who matter and it is they, of course, who add so much joy to life.

      Kellemes hétvégét!

  60. how wonderful! I hope you will both enjoy the experience and who knows where it might lead ...

    1. It is all so very exciting and certainly it will be a wonderful experience to which we are much looking forward.

  61. Having recently been involved behind the scenes in a small UK film - Tell Them of Us - I can assure you that there is nothing quite like seeing your name roll by in the credits. And I'm guessing yours will be be in bigger letters than mine was!

    1. How absolutely fascinating to have been involved with 'Tell Them of Us'. We have watched two trailers and will now look out for the film itself which, we assume, has been released. All great fun and of interest.

  62. Oh! I am sooo glad I popped in just in time to catch this stellar development!

    My dear FGPs, you will forgive my absence as I was on a Lenten break from social media, but am slowly working my way back in and wanted to pay you a visit. What do I find?? Stars! Stars featured in elegant programs and lingering creatively in havens for the talented and aspiring and magnificent photos of the two of you looking vibrant and engaged (though I would expect no less) and it makes a fairy goddaughter so, so happy!

    1. Dearest FGD,

      Of course you have been hugely missed in the Blogosphere but it really is important to take a break periodically if for no other reason than to come back refreshed. And a Lenten one sounds most fitting.

      We are about to go to our Norwich house for a couple of weeks after which we shall return to Budapest in readiness for rehearsals to be followed with the start of filming in mid June. Our best love to you all.

    2. I send you my very best during your stay in Norwich. In the meantime, I have a wee bit of news to share with you. Look for the FGD in the cat ears ...

  63. This is fabulous!!! I stumbled upon this bit of news earlier in the week and demanded more. Just in from a grueling week of boring business travel, I am treated to pics of the Deliciously Bobbed radiant Jane of glowing expression and our very own and adored Darling Lance/Robert as you both continue to inspire, astonish, and WOW us with your new adventures!
    At the very least, I be among a throng I've assembled for the Chicago premiere and if the latter half of this year shapes up well, I'll cross the Atlantic to crash the party of the International Premiere.

    Darlings Jane and Lance. I adore you!!!!

    1. Poor you having had to endure a tiring and doubtless exhausting week all in the name of business. But, these things do, in the real world, contribute to keeping a roof over one's head which is something of a necessity.

      How generous you are over our little piece of news. We are, as you may imagine, quite excited particularly as the start date for filming is getting closer. As for the premiere party, it cannot happen without you. So.......!!

      Now we are about to go off to the Norwich house for a couple of weeks during which time lines must be learnt and perfected!!

    2. Has GSL lost Love in Budapest??? It wasn't so long ago when it was 'Darling G' dashed with all sorts of tender rhetorical embraces warming his heart. And now the demotion to "Poor you"......oh dear!!!
      GSL will show himself out via the tradesman's entrance and enlist Edward & Teddy on how to regain his much coveted 'Darling G' won't be long before those lines you learn and perfect will be concerning how to receive 'Darling G' at your triumphant premiere amid a frenzied international throng of other well wishers...

    3. Darling, darling, darling G, no slight was intended! Our only concern was your week of work! No reason to enlist the aid of either Edward or Teddy. Your place in our lives is assured!! xxx

  64. Good Morning, M'Dears!

    Popping in this RAINY Saturday to ask a quick question: Can you identify this lovely "grass plant" for my dear friend Jeanne in North Carolina. We're sorta online sisters, and she's a dear loyal friend.

    Just thought I'd ask the most Flora-erudite minds I know. Have a fabulous weekend!

    love and,


    1. Dearest Rachel,

      How kind of you to think of us. Alas, we cannot be totally sure of this perennial and do not wish to mislead you or your friend.

      A lovely sunny Sunday here which, we do so hope, is the same for you. xxx

  65. I know you have many comments, but I just had to comment too, because that news is seriously exciting. Can't wait to see the film. And also pictures of filming, if you're allowed.

  66. What fun it was to read this post! I love the idea of you film careers and will follow with interest.
    As I read about the Latvian-Lithuanian collaboration I remembered our time in Riga and in Vilnius and my understanding of just how precious their independence was to everyone we met. I also remember the beauty of the buildings in Riga - the legacy of Michael Eisenstadt.

    1. Dratted auto correct! It is Mikhail Eisentstein!

  67. The film sounds like a lot of fun. I look forward to its eventual release. I see one synopsis predicts that "the audience will laugh, sing and cry." And that's just the audience....

  68. My dear superstars—
    What fun for you!—and for the lucky viewing public who will get to see you steal the show in this (no doubt, if you're in it) wonderful film. I'm surprised but pleased to see that I actually know five of the people in your photos here: you two, Krisztina and Ari (thanks to you), and George Lazenby—who was very briefly one of the male models in my charge at the agency in Paris (nearly 50 years ago and he still looks good!). Seriously thrilled for you, and I know we're all in for a treat!

  69. I am among your many followers who are not in the least surprised that an astute producer offered you these roles and that you accepted them. In a previous lifetime I produced documentary segments and soon learned that those persons who are too eager to embrace life to be afraid do extremely well in the filming environment. I cherish the memory of a sweet museum curator who astonished a film crew by facing the camera, and speaking extemporaneously, hit his marks and made his points, on the first take every time. I'm looking forward to your reports of life in the lights! (By the way, be sure to pack plenty of moisturizing eye drops.)

  70. How exciting. A wonderful experience for the both of you. Good luck...Regards, Margaret

  71. Such exciting news! Move over, Brad and Angelina, indeed!! Don't forget us little ones when you are up there accepting your awards :) Have Mary and Bob arrived in Budapest yet? They are so excited to meet you two. Cheers from sunny DC!

  72. Oh how exciting Jane and Lance - the launch of your film careers!
    What an amazing life you two lead - it seems that Budapest is a very lively diplomatic post.
    How wonderful to be included in the round of embassy parties, concerts and performances!
    I'm so looking forward to meeting Miss Dottie and Robert when Love in Budapest screens here!
    The last film I saw that was set in your city was Gloomy Sunday which I rate as one of my all time faves - maybe that will change come 2016!!!!

    How lovely to meet the gorgeous Mary - we are great blog friends and we hope to meet up sometime in the future too.

    My husband and I are travelling to France in June to be with our daughter and three beautiful granddaughters.

    I’ll think of you both when I set foot in Europe!


  73. You are a (pencil and) box of surprises. The round of Embassies. Fit for a Hitchcock movie!
    PS.I am right now working night and day searching properties in Med England. I must have gone through a thousand already, no exaggeration. A promise, if and when I find my little corner, I will go to visit Norwich in the Real One - I lived in London for 6 years but never went there - and of course shall be delighted to drop for tea. Thanks for the invitation.

  74. Well, it needed but this to add a super-nova glory to your already dazzling careers as much loved and admired bon-vivants. I can't wait to see the film. Hollywood watch out!! :) I never know what I'm going to find when I wander on over here to see what the Hattatts are up to. But this much I know: it's probably going to be lots of fun.

  75. Oh how exciting! Can't wait to see it. Hopefully is will be available in the US? Janey

  76. I think you really are showing off now! First fraternising with the influential ones and then becoming blooming movie stars, where will it all end? Last I heard you were off to Norwich, I really must keep up! Seriously though, how very thrilling, I think you will make wonderful actors, all that spying on people in restaurants and making up stories about them, will have put you in very good stead. Lovely to see that your thirst for adventure is as strong as ever. I have been missing out. Looking forward to the Oscars! All my love,Linda xx

  77. oh wow....the glamour of it all, movie stars!! Are you ready for your close up???

  78. Heavens, I'm well behind on reading here - last I knew you were in Montevideo. I just popped in and searched for 'Budapest' wanting to see if I recognized anything we saw on our recent trip there (the opera house, of course). Now on our last day here in Vienna and I'm ready to be home again - weather and all - in good old Tynemouth. I would return to Budapest, I think. I'm sure we've only scratched the surface. Perhaps one day you'll post about your recommendations on what to see?

  79. I had no idea that George Lazenby was still alive. Or that Lisa Riley was still acting. Both pieces of news of course gladden me immensely.

    I imagine that we'll be forced to contact you only through your agent in the future?

  80. How utterly fabulous! I am not a frequent movie goer, but I’ll make sure to see this one! Like Rachel, I’m thrilled to hear your voices!

    My brother in law just got back from visiting Budapest and came home in love with the city, just like everyone I’ve ever known!

  81. Dearest Jane and is wonderful to hop back into blogging and see that you are not only doing well, but that you are about to embark on a most brilliant and exciting new adventure! Bravo to you both! I hope very much that this film will be available in the US...
    ENJOY, you wonderful Renaissance couple... :)
    Bih hugs and much love from Minnesota....
    - Irina

  82. How exciting that both of you are starring in the Love in Budapest movie. The banking area of the British Embassy is a handsome venue for the launch, and I see you are enjoying events at the embassies.

  83. David HollywoodFriday, July 24, 2015

    This is very good news and I look forward to following developments.

    1. Unfortunately, all is not as it seems. Please do email us.

  84. Wonderful news. How exciting and so much fun.
    George Lazenby! My favourite Bond.

  85. Dear Jane and Lance, You both look so well and happy...good to see! Darn. I should have asked for your autographs while I was in Budapest. Congratulations and do keep us current on the release. The favorite part of being in a movie, for me anyway, were the food trucks. But then, I live in Appalachia -grin-.

  86. Where are you? I hope that everything is okay. I miss your wonderful posts. Take care.

  87. Hey, Y'all!!

    How you doin'? Miss you.


  88. With Lance's film star looks and Jane looking like a young Marianne Faithfull it was bound to happen sooner or later. Is there really a 'casting couch'?

  89. So lovely! its wonderful to see you two have good times there =)

  90. Now that must be the Lance Hattatt who, many years ago, used to share lifts with me to work - me in a battered Renault 4 with a leaky windscreen and you in an Austin Maestro!

    David Williams

  91. I worry that no one has posted since August.
    Let us know that all is well, please ?

  92. Hope you are having a lot of fun, best wishes.

  93. Fascinating stuff. And what I would like to know is why, on the evidence of the photos in this post, neither Jane nor Lance has aged at all in the last 30 years. It's so unfair!

  94. Hi Jane and Llance hope all is okay with you both?

    Hugs, Jane x

  95. I miss your elegance, I miss your intelligence, I miss your stories, I miss you.

  96. Just dropping in on this "Love Day" to wish you well and say that I've missed your cheery presence. I hope all is fine and dandy in your world, and that you're having all the splendid travels and adventures that you share so vividly and well.

    Happy Valentine's Day and hope to hear from you soon!



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